Kunibert Michel English Horn Gouger


As the newest North American dealer, we are thrilled to welcome the full line of Kunibert Michel machines and accessories!

*2 Bed/Blade options now available*

The Kunibert Michel English horn gouging machine has a long been a tradition in the cane processing industry, seeing a surge of popularity in the past years. These sleek machines are very simple and easy to operate, requiring very little adjustment and easy to do at home. We are stocking 2 versions of the American set-up - the standard 12mm bed/13mm blade combination as well as the requested 12mm bed/12mm blade congruent version. The design of the machine allows you to gouge dry, which saves the wear and tear on the blade and allows you to gouge more cane. The dial on the carriage will allow you to easily adjust gouge thickness with a simple turn. There are two set screws which allow you to lower the blade as it dulls.

We now have these machines in stock and ready to ship.



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